Cover Letter Sample for Business Schengen Visa

Cover Letter Sample for Business Schengen  Visa

Applying for a Business Schengen Visa, except for the regular documents you are expected to send to the Embassy, you must also work towards composing a cover letter that you can submit to the Embassy together with the rest of the documents, to explain in detail your purpose of travel and your itinerary.
Check out the sample below to help you put together your own:
[Letterhead of Company]
To: Consulate General of [the country of travel]
Dear Consul General:
Through this letter, I want to confirm that Mr./Mrs. [Name and last name] is an employee at our firm [company name], as [job title/position]. Mr./Mrs. [Name] has been working with our company for the last [number of years] and will be travelling to [name of city], [country] starting from [date of entry] until [date of exit] for a total of [number of days] to attend to the following work-related activities:
  1. Write in as much detail as possible about the business that will be conducted abroad

While [name of employee] is visiting your country, it is important to also visit [name of visiting company and contact details].
Mr./Mrs. [Name] will be staying at [hotel name, address, phone number].
I kindly ask for the [visa type] to be issued to Mr./Mrs. [Name and last name] at your earliest convenience.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further inquiries.
Thank you for your assistance.
[Supervisor signature]
[Name and last name]
[Phone number]
Read also:  
  • Schengen Visa Application Cover Letter for Tourism and Medical Purposes
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