What are "sufficient funds" for a UK tourist/family visa?

  What are "sufficient funds" for a UK tourist/family visa?

Sufficient” means no more or less than what it normally means. In the context of international travel that entails: transport, accommodation, food and drink, sightseeing or other planned activities, travel within the country, contingencies (i.e. travel insurance), and a reasonable buffer just in case.
You will need to have flights and accommodation sorted before you apply anyway (if you don’t, the application will most likely be rejected). For the rest, show them your budget plan. It doesn’t have to be too granular - just, for example:
  • Day 3: trip to London
    • Train fare for two people: £30
    • Lunch and dinner for two: £60
    • Museums: free
    • Theatre tickets for two: £100
    • Shopping on Oxford Street: £200
Needless to say, the total budgeted amount should be more than supported by your combined bank balances (i.e., don’t budget a £5,000 holiday if you only have £3,000 between you).
Also, any support from people other than the applicant (including the applicant’s British spouse) must be supported and evidenced. Get them to write a letter for you to include, attach copies of their ID documents, and include bank statements and any other relevant documents. A common example of this is if you are staying with in-laws during the trip - in that case they need to write a letter, supply copies of their passports, and supply the deed or lease for their property.
All this may sound excessive, but having helped my wife apply for two visitor’s visas and a spouse visa I can promise you that it is not. Unless your bank account shows six figures, take it seriously.

To get a UK tourist visa you require proof(Bank statement) to show that you have enough funds for the (return) trip and you’re not a potential migrant and you will come back in time which you are declaring on the form. The funds must be enough to show that apart from the tickets you can cover the whole trip including your personal expenses. You need to book tickets before applying for Visa and attach a copy of your return tickets. Also you need to show funds for bringing you back and giving you medical aid in case of an accident. For a week long trip to UK you must show around £800~900(INR 90000) Approx equivalent of your currency. You can show this in your account or in the account of the person sponsoring your trip (Ex. Your Father), for this you have to mention in the form that someone else is sponsoring your trip and your relation with that person.

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